Poland Transports


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Our services in this segment include delivery of all types of furniture and large components to the point of use in the household of the end user in Eastern Europe.

We can also offer additional services such as packaging disposal, connection, and assembly on request.

We offer this service through the following corporations:

Anton Röhr Logistyka Sp. z o. o.

ul. Galczyńskiego 22
PL-62-050 Mosina

Telephone: +48 (0) 61 - 8 19 78 01
Telefax: +48 (0) 61 - 8 19 24 04

E-Mail: info@anton-roehr.de

All contacts >>

Anton Röhr GmbH & Co. KG
Gewerbestraße 8
33397 Rietberg - Mastholte
+49 (0) 29 44 - 980-157